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Dates set for the 2022 Kuskokwim 300 race season


The K300 will start on Friday, January 28, 2022.

After the success of the past season, the K300 Race Committee has decided to once again run the K300 and the Bogus Creek 150 on separate weekends. The K300 will start on Friday, January 28th and the Bogus Creek 150, as a standalone event, will start on Saturday January 15th.

As part of the committee's Covid-19 mitigation plan for the 2021 season, they broke long-standing tradition and held the 150 separately, two weeks before the K300. As a result, more teams participated in the 150 than in recent years and those teams were also able to race in the K300 or Akiak Dash, weeks later. The schedule change was popular with YK-Delta mushers and spectators were vocal in their appreciation for more focus on the 150. The 2021 Bogus Creek 150 had a purse of $60,000, making it one of the biggest races in all of dog mushing; certainly deserving of its own spotlight.

Purses for the 2022 season will be announced at a later date.

Registration for the 2022 K300 will open on Monday, October 4th. Registration for the Bogus Creek 150 will open at a later date TBD.

The Akiak Dash will continue to be held the same weekend as the K300, starting on Saturday, January 29th.



Contact us: 

Kuskokwim 300

PO Box 3001

Bethel, Alaska 99559

Call us:  907-545-3300

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