Race Marshal Andy Angstman (pictured below at the start of the K300) just submitted the report below from the Kalskag Checkpoint. Thanks, Andy!
Good afternoon from the Kalskag checkpoint!
Teams started rolling here after 4 AM this morning, and were more tightly bunched after 100 miles than I have ever seen in this race. Reports from the trail varied from "ok" to "best Kusko trail ever", even with a moderate wind for the last 30 or so miles. With the floating 6-hour rest requirements, most of the front pack took 3 hour breaks, except for 9-time champ Jeff King, who did 4. The usual Kalskag checkpoint rules applied... amazing food cooked by Loreen Steeves and family, and a handful or hardy locals who watched the dog teams come and go in the early morning hours.
As of this writing, 4 mushers are on the trail back downriver from Aniak, and the checkpoint and dog lot will be bustling again starting at about 6 PM.
A plane is en route to pick up 10 dropped dogs... which means the checkers will soon have their Settlers of Catan game rudely interrupted.
That's all for now. -Andy